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Monday 7 March 2011

Welcome to Dave Earle's Blog

Gym owner, boxing coach and town councillor
Place of Work:
Spit n Sawdust 49a North Bar Street Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 0TH
5 times Home Counties Boxing Champion, twice British Full Contact Kick Boxing Champion, World Kick Boxing competitor and 3rd in Banbury's Strictly Come Dancing 2007 dancing Waltz and the Cha Cha Cha
I have  large Family being one of at least 7 Children (don't ask) Great family lot's of love in it.
I have a girlfriend Jo who likes to spell her name with an 'e' on the end but I choose tto drop it as it looks as if my partner could be fella. I have 3 boys and a step daughter.

My biggest influence on my life was my father who bought me and my two sisters Maxine and Valerie up in a rough estate in Coventry. My dad as a professional heavyweight boxer. Sadly both my parents died early due to what I believe were the wrong lifestyle choices which was the original reason for me starting a fitness club.

My business reflects who I am.. It is a bit rough and ready but welcoming. At Spit n Sawdust we (Asif, Ben and myself) help youths realise their dreams and steer (those who need it) away from trouble. I also visit schools and colleges to give life coaching talks

I work at the gym 12 hours a day and love what I do. Turning lives around is what I enjoy most. I see my gym as my extended family. I have seen youths grow from boys into men, and done everything from representing, as a character witness in court  to helping them achieve National boxing titles.

I love people and through facebook Banbury people convinced me to run in the elections for the position of a town councillor. So to cut a long story short I did and I was elected. Being a councillor has helped me help others with their issues and problems ranging from extradition to finding someone suitable living conditions. With the help of Local MP Tony Baldry

I painted this picture on the wall of my Caribbean bar

The pictures below are of people I respect
Bob Marley was a living Legend as was Ali. They made a difference to so many people


  1. Dave I wish I had a tenth of your drive and commitment

  2. Cheers Spider but in all honesty I could work much harder. I am lucky enough to be in a position where I get the chance to see the fruits of my labour. Imagine how good it feels when you meet someone whether it is a child bought in by a parent that is having 'social problems' or an adult who needs help either through physical fitness issues or a council issue. To be able to help is unbelievably satisfying. Earning peoples respect is better than having lots of money!!

  3. nice to learn a little of what inspired you to get where you are today!
