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Sunday 10 April 2011

Highs and lows of running Spit n Sawdust

This is a brief 'Warts and all' account of my time at Spit n Sawdust. It will tell of some of the highs and lows of running a fitness club on a shoe-string and how a recent event took the wind out of my sails.

Too Many Friends To Thank

I have been in business now for 7 years and 4 months. I am not sure how I have managed it but I hope I carry on for a long time to come. I have never earnt enough money to pay tax and but have had enough money to pay my bills at home. The gym as I mentioned in an earlier blog has expanded as I took over the building from the person who I used to rent part of the building from. Running Spit n Sawdust is the best thing I have ever done. Starting as a boxing style fitness club, the gym has gone through many changes and has seen many people come through it. The reasons I have never paid tax is because as a businessman I am not the best. Any money that comes into the club is spent on the gym, (I feel for my girlriend Jo) sometimes in preference to paying the bills. I would like to thank people like Mark Wilson, Pete Lyon and in particular Mark Cooper because without their help I would have closed long ago. Though the gym has improved year by year my financial position has got worse and my debts have risen. I think it is normal in business, Manchester United owe millions of pounds :0) There are so many people who have helped me over the years and I am sorry if I have not mentioned you. I need a whole blog just for acknowledgements. The picture on the right is a fun run gym members took part in to help raise money for the gym.

Highs Make The Lows Worth It

My best moments at Spit n Sawdusts all include watching people's lives change. My first objective when I opened Spit n Sawdust was to have a place to train that was excessible at all times, as the classes I was teaching at the time were held at school halls, sports centres and community centres. this meant hiring a place and then dragging all my equipment along to each class. Having my on place would mean I would not have to hire halls and lug all of my equipment about and gave me an opportunity to expand the business. The first years were tough because people who said they would join my club didn't, but I still had my regular boxercise class 3 times a week so my some of my bills were being paid and my landlord at the time was very understanding. Once I got more established and had more equipment the numbers steadily increased. So through the winter months I did well and through the summer months I struggled as kids were on holiday and the parents stayed home, went on holiday or found different things to do in Englands sparadic sunshine. I have had some fantastic times at the club. Getting my former trainer Ken Reynolds to start up an amatuer boxing club was a great landmark for me at the club. I got a friend (Emil Meyer) with the help of his uncle, to build a great boxing ring for me. The boxing club brought youths of the street and we turned many of them into competant boxers and before we knew it we were producing champions. We put a boxing show on once a year and have never had less than 500 spectators. I never wanted a boxing club initially as I thought it would be a ball and chain. Something I would have keep going with for ever otherwise I would be destroying peoples dreams if I were to close it but I am so glad I started it and I truly love having a boxing club. My dad would be so proud.

Getting Hit Below The Belt

Ironically that brings me on to a a couple of low points. Ken Reynolds died in January of last year. This was a sad time because not only was Ken devoted to the boxers at the club, but Ken had also been my trainer for 6 years 20 years ago. His passing left a big gap. I have, with the help of Asif Muhammed, Ben Malcher and recently Jamie, managed to get boxers back out their and boxing again. Many of our boxers are from difficult backgrounds and need something like boxing to keep them out of trouble, others are brought along to improve their confidence because they are being bullied at school. Some have been diagnosed with social disorders such as ADHD and Asperges Syndrome. My gym is open to evereyone with all ranges of abilities and disabilities. Some parents can't afford to send their children here so I have let them come for nothing knowing they need to come to the gym to build confidence and keep tthem out of trouble. Others come and don't pay because they are friends of mine. I recently told one of these friends they had to start paying so he stopped coming. I need to toughen up and people really should show a little more respect. If you are not paying and are reading this you know what I am asking. I get no help from the council and if you think being a Town Councillor is benificial you would only be correct if you were assuming they give me more disaffected children to help. Most people have a dim view of councilllors mainly I think because of the recents scandals over claiming for 2nd homes etc... I can tell you that I am paid nothing by the council and have never claimed a penny in expenses. I became a councillor because I wanted to get into schools and be able to help youths with 'issues' This as you can possibly imagine can have it's own problems. Misbehaving youths don't magically behave as soon as they walk though the doors of Spit n Sawdust. What I like to think is that I offer them a route to a better life. A life where there chances of falling foul of the law is less likely. I don't tolerate any kind of bullying including name calling and have barred people for fighting outside the gym after receiving complaints from parents. Unfortunately I dont succeed with absolutely everyone but enough to keep me trying. As I mentioned earlier in this blog I am not the best at business. This caused me to miss some business rates payments which resulted in thebailiffs wanting to recover the debts and gave me 4 weeks to settle the debt. Yesterday was a bad day for me. I went to the gym to check the money I had put to one side at the gym only to find it had been stolen. I don't like to lock things up as I try to show trust to the people who use the gym but unfortunately we can be too trusting. £460.00 was stolen from my filing cabinet and it's not the first time. I know I should lock things up and did buy a safe. I looked for my safe yesterday and that has gone too but there was no money in it. I will start locking things up against my better wishes. I am hurting a bit ... no a lot inside. Yesterday I spent in a daze, wondering who could have done it but not being able to point a finger as that would be unfair because I haven't a clue. I am at the gym 7 days a week 12 hours a day most days and occasionally pop out and leave the gym empty with the doors open (not any more) I just hope the person who took the money reads this and realise what damage they have done. This could potenially close the gym. £460 may not be a fortune but it is enough to keep a gym open. I am not sure how I will sort this shortfall out but hopefully all will turn out ok in the end. On a plus point the gym is getting busier and I am enjoying it more than ever. Things like theft come along and kick you in the balls from time to time I guess we just grit our teeth and carry on focussing on the good stuff that is happening at the club. It is Sunday morning the sun is shining today as I am writing this. I will be off to the gym in 20 minutes to pick up the peices. I am more disappointed than angry at the moment that might change if I was to lose my business.


  1. sad about the theft but chin up you do a grt thing and things come back to haunt people who do that sort of thing they will be judge one day or have it happen to them and feel the pain they caused is not good .respect mr earle yours N.AMBROSE

  2. ADHD ???? means my child has never been told no,

  3. I am not totally disagreeing with you but:

    Adhd might mean a child has been told no too often. Doctors have proved cases of ADHD with brain scans etc... not that I am totally convinced. Being told no too often can make a child resentful especially if there seems no reason for it and never being told no can have a surprisingly similar affect. We judge and make assumption too quickly sometimes without knowing enough background information

  4. Dave, Just wanted to send you some love!! You are an amazing person who really cares, a rare thing in this day and age. Many people appreciate what you do. Keep your chin up man!

    Claire, thebestof Banbury

  5. Dave, thanks for your post. I am setting up a similar gym myself in North Wales. Could I pick your brains, if you have time?! Thanks, Adam.

  6. You can pick my brains any time Adam. I am not sure how I can help but I have managed to survive here for 9 years and am still going. Call me on 0788829534 if you want to chat
