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Tuesday 5 November 2013

Whats in the book?

The blurb on the cover of the book may lead you to believe that the book is all about me and my struggle through a difficult upbringing. A story that will take you on a journey through my difficult childhood, where you may expect to read how I fought through the difficult streets of my council estate, endured racist taunts, family unrest and despite my lack of education, came through all of that to become successful, despite the odds.  Whilst these things maybe facts, the book will show you many stories that show how many people including; my family, people I have loved, people I have lost, people I have trained and even strangers I have met whilst writing the book who have struggled with their lives and emerged with differing results.  At least one story will resonate with you, whether you find it is your own life story or the story of a family, friend or colleague, who's life is seeming to be replicated within the pages.  In the second half of this book you may find, as I did, answers to questions that you never considered asking yourself.  You may find that there is more to this life that you realised and discover that you are far more capable than you ever thought.      

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