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Thursday 30 August 2012

One positive decision made today can change your life immeasurably

Facebook With the Olympics and Paralympics fresh in our minds it is important that we carry this legacy forward.  Many people have taken up new sports and the personal expectations of the people on the streets has risen.  People like Nicola Adams, Mo Farah and Jessica Ennis have shown that you don't need to be gifted and that hard work and a will to win can and does take you to the top

This is true not only in sport but also in day to day life.  We can all decide to change our lives at any given time.  It is just making decision.  One decision today has the ability to alter the rest of your life beyond belief.  If you are not happy or believe your life could be far more enjoyable, then make a decision.  Whether it is taking a college course, joining a gym or changing jobs.

Now more than ever before there are opportunities out there for all of us.  The internet has made the world a smaller place.  Information on the net is freely available to most of us.  Your new and improved life could be a click away

Make your decision

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