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Tuesday 3 January 2012

Spit n Sawdust is where we: Build Confidence, Improve Fitness, Strengthen Bodies, Help People Realise Their Dreams and Change Lives.

Another New Year and no doubt lots of you will be thinking New Year New Start.  But what do we want? Are we all looking for a quick fix or do we want a LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE??

If you have read my earlier blogs you will know the reason I started to run Spit n Sawdust was to help over weight men to improve their quality of life and hopefully extend their life expectancy. The reasons for this was because of the early departure from this world by my parents due to what I believe were the wrong life style choices.Eight years on many things have changed and I am happy to say I have many more friends due to running the gym and many people telling me how the gym has changed their lives.  I also have a team of volunteers who have helped me transform the amateur boxing club, that continues to focus the lives of the youth in the town and surrounding area.

What I want to do with today's blog is inform you about some of the people who have benefited from using  Spit n Sawdust. over the years.  The benefits have been varied and the 'students' from a diverse background ranging from Formula 2 race car drivers @Will Bratt to lorry drivers and factory workers to housewives. No matter who we are and what we do being fit and healthy makes life easier and more enjoyable.

We have many troubled teenagers who have joined our club and found a direction and a way to direct and focus their lives. Many went back to school stayed out of trouble got themselves good jobs, whilst their friends are still getting in trouble with drink, drugs and even ending up spending time in prison and youth detention centres. But for all the publicity surrounding the work we do with helping youths Spit n Sawdust is a club that is open to the public as a fitness club

simple tasks are not simple to everyone
For people who have struggled with their weight the benefits have been remarkable.  I remember many years ago, one man who was in his 40's coming a class I ran for overweight men.  One of his first achievements was tying his shoelaces with ease. After attending a few classes he told me he had not been able to tie his own shoe laces without struggling to breath because the pressure it put on his stomach when leaning forward so was delighted when his stomach was no longer a hindrance.  He also suffered from having high blood pressure and his doctor told him he would never have any sensation in the toes of his right foot after injuring it in a motor bike accident.  After only 3 months of training his blood pressure was back to normal and he regained the feeling in his toes. This man also challenged me and matched me in the number of sit-ups achieved in one minute.  

More recently a man of 63 @Mick Salt visited my gym and asked if he could join. I said "of course" and asked "what are you wanting from the classes?"  He replied "to be honest Dave I just want to extend my life a little"  The man has been coming twice a week since the summer of 2010 he is training hard and has a fitness level comparable to many of the youths who attend the gym.

The benefits of joining the club are not always physical. One man @Mark Cooper who joined found that one benefit he did not expect was courage.  Although this man had been attending boxercise classes for many years he had never attended a boxing class and had used the boxercise classes to help him lose 5 stone in weight.  So when he told me he had been involved in an altercation at a local kebab shop I was very surprised.  This man was, although very strong, not the sort to get involved in any sort of conflict but he happily told me that he saw a friend getting picked on so stepped in and confidently dealt with the situation.  He told me he if he had not taken up boxercise he wouldn't have dared to stand between the two men but in his own mind he knew he had the 'tools' to deal with the situation. Confidence or a lack of confidence has a big influence on our everyday life.  Confidence can make many things easier, from walking through a park to going swimming. Confidence will help us meet new people and take on new challenges. Who knows maybe one day you will become a 3 times National Champion and a supermodal +rob evans 

There are so many reasons for joining a fitness club but many will find more reasons not to.  I am sure the benefits outweigh the reasons for not joining.  The most difficult thing about joining any gym is stepping through the door.

Who knows maybe joining us could change your life and make you feel more ALIVE

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