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Thursday 22 December 2011

Going it alone?

Going it Alone

Yes I have been selected to carry the Olympic torch and I was shocked and as happy as I have been for a long long time.  The nominations were the reason for my selection but the reason I was nominated was because of the gym and how people have benefited from using the gym.  I have ran this gym for just over 8 years and many people have been through it and many have been here since the start but I haven't always managed alone.  For the first 2 years it was a gym that catered for my 'boxercise' classes weight loss classes and a bit of personal training.  Over the years I have introduced more classes and schools and the local colleges have been using the gym for many years. 2 years with no assistance was difficult and just getting people to know about the gym and where it is was hard work, especially for someone who had never run a business before.  But luckily for me and the gym users people came along and joined in to help run the club.

Amateur Boxing Club

Two years into running the club and after many teenagers had harassed me about introducing an amateur club to Spit n Sawdust I decided to ask Ken Reynolds, my former boxing trainer, to join me and start an amateur boxing club at the gym. He agreed and he did a fantastic job.  In fact he ran the boxing club and I became his assistant watching and learning from his vast knowledge that he had picked up in 40 or more years of being a boxing coach, inevitably he eventually got introduced to the England team and looked set to be a part of the GB set-up for the 2012 Olympic Games in London where ironically I will be carrying the Olympic torch.  Ken unfortunately left this world in January of 2010 and was never able live that dream.  He will be in my thoughts as I carry the flame for that short time between Oxford and Reading on July 11 2012.  

After the passing of Ken, Ben Malcher, who like me boxed under Ken's guidance, took over the reins as Secretary of the club, I became Chairman we enlisted a man who trained here in the fitness classes, Mark Cooper, as the treasurer and we were up and running again. We have since added more coaches, Jamie Johnson, who boxed under Ken Reynolds 20 years ago and who has recently passed his ABA coaching badge and Paul Evans who passed his coaching badges many years ago and was an experienced boxer 'back in the day'  Ed Bilsdon is our most recently added coach and he also has been training with me for more than a decade so all in all I have a great team that I can rely on.  We increased the committee by adding Maggie Muir as an official and Zoe Bourne who helps with fundraising and anything you ask of her.  oh and of course Geordie Danny Patterson who is a reformed kickboxing nutcase who is the parents representative for the club. Ben Malcher is now number one matchmaker (no not like a dating agency) and is responsible for a large amount of arranging our home boxing shows at Spiceball, which seem to improve year by year, and organizes opponents for the boxers at other clubs we travel to. He also brings his expertise to Spit n Sawdust to help coach the boxers, as like me he is a level two coach, with the rest of the team. On the whole between us we manage to do what Ken used to do on his own.  We now can cater for more boxers so we can hopefully help change a few more lives for the better.  And what makes this all the more remarkable is that all these people are volunteers. The only benefit they get is how helping makes them feel.

Frank Wise School

I was lucky enough to have a friend named Anthony Munday who works at Frank Wise special needs school and he asked me if I he could bring his students up on a weekly basis about 4 years ago and now they are here year in year out and I get invited to the school for talks parties and have even taught them ballroom dancing.  I had never worked with the physically and mentally disabled children before and the experience has been fantastic and has helped me understand a little more about there lives and how lucky we are to be fit and healthy.  What I also came to understand is that there are a lot of people doing great work in the community and are not getting recognition for what they do.  The Staff at Frank Wise are some of the nicest people you could ever meet and do a fantastic job of looking after the children of this town that will never be able to look after themselves.     

Talks to Youths

Occasionally I get asked to do talks to schools and colleges. Sometimes here at the gym and sometimes at the school or college.  One of the talks I gave was about making the most of your life.  I had a group of around twenty students who came to the gym not sure whether they were going to train or have a talk so I decided, as I always train people, that I would try a bit of life coaching to see if I could benefit any of the students using my life's experiences.  So I gathered them downstairs and proceeded with my informal but hopefully informative chat.  A little way into our getting to know each other chat I informed them that most of the people in the room would not go on to take up the profession they were studying for.  On hearing this I noticed on young lady whispering to her friend. It was clear to me that she was not agreeing with me.  So I asked her What she was studying. She told me "beauty and hairdressing" so I asked her what she wanted to do when she left college, and she happily told me "I am going to be a hairdresser" so I told her that was great and wished her all the best.  Then I asked the person next to her what she was studying and she also said "beauty and hairdressing" so again I asked her "and what will you do when you leave college" and she said " I don't know" I asked a young man what he was studying and again his subject didn't match what he wanted to do when he stopped studying. In facy of all the people I asked only the first girl new what they wanted to do once they finished college. 

So I told them a story.  I told them they were all at the start of their adult lives and to imagine that as the start of a river that leads to one of the world's largest waterfall, the Niagara Falls, with the Falls being the end of their lives.  I explained that their destiny in life was governed by the choices they made as they travelled down the river.  They could do as I did and go with the flow letting the river make the choices for them or they could choose their own route.  By going with the flow I decided education wasn't important and this determined what choices I had as far as the places I have worked.  I explained that I had many jobs over a twenty year period after leaving school but can't remember enjoying any of them.  Because I had no formal education my choices were limited and I had some jobs that would last for up to 5 years where I would spend my time doing menial jobs and watching the clock waiting for the day to finish or 'temping' doing a job that had no future or security making it difficult to pay my bills.  I told them they are at the point where they can make choices and that they can decide what direction they want to take now instead of doing what I did a choose it 24 years down the river and struggle against the tide with a lack of knowledge and experience of how to make my business  work successfully. 

If you want to re-visit this Blog soon as it will continue

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Personal Training with Dave Earle

Dave Earle Personal Trainer

Teaching Boxercise to more than 1,000
orphans in Nairobi Kenya
My fitness training history

I started teaching groups fitness in 1992 after competing for more than 20 years as a boxer and full contact kick-boxer. My achievements include 5 open class Home Counties ABA titles and numerous national titles as a semi and full contact kickboxer including the British Wako Full Contact Championships (World Association Of Kickboxers) and was a World Championships finalist in Budapest in 1994. After qualifying as a 'boxercise' coach I spent some time as a instructor of instructors, qualifying fitness trainers to teach boxercise, teaching as far a field as Nairobi in Kenya where we qualified local instructors. 

The Spit n Sawdust ABA team
 I  also taught fitness classes at many venues in and around the Banbury area. In 2003 I rented a building and created a gym I named Spit n Sawdust.  Initially (as well as wanting to have a base for my classes) I wanted to help overweight  men lose weight and become healthy have lost both my parents to lifestyle associated illnesses. I studied health, fitness and nutrition taking advice where ever I could find it, obtaining fitness, nutritional, weightlifting and boxing coaching qualifications. At Spit n Sawdust  there are mixed ages and levels of fitness, and in the boxercise classes we have as many ladies as we have men.
The main hall at Spit n Sawdust
With much of my background having been associated with combat sports Spit n Sawdust took the guise of a boxing club and many of the youngsters asked if I could start a boxing club. This is something I never really wanted to do because of the commitment it involved. But two years after opening Spit n Sawdust I had been persuaded to phone the late great Ken Reynolds, my former boxing coach, and ask him if he fancied opening an amateur boxing club with me at the gym.  I duly went on coaching courses and we set up Spit n Sawdust ABC. We quickly became a very successful club with our boxers winning local and national championships.

So why might you need a personal trainer and why might I be able to help you?

The biggest stumbling block for most people when starting training is actually getting off our bums and starting. I have had two decades of experience in getting people motivated in becoming all they can be, both physically and mentally, whether they want to lose weight or become a champion boxer.

Individualized Programme
Whether you have a chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals, I can work with you to achieve your goals through a safe training programme.

By starting personal training I will advise you against non effective training routines and concentrate on exercises that are suited to your goals

Improve Technical Skills
We are not all boxers at Spit n Sawdust
If you are training for a particular sport or are interested in learning how to box I can specifically tailor your training routine to ensure you have the strength and endurance needed.

You are New Exercise
If you are an absolute beginner I will be able to take you from a low fitness level to the fitness level of an athlete safely introducing you to simple exercises, slowly increasing the complexity and intensity giving you the confidence to try new routines without fear.

Break through Plateaus 
If you are already in decent shape but have been that way for years I can take you to the next level getting you both physically and emotionally motivated.

Learn How to Go it Alone
Once you have learnt how to exercise safely and efficiently you will be able to go it alone and look after your health without assistance. Maybe you just need to lose some weight so you feel more comfortable to attend classes or maybe start a new sport.

Workout Safely
I will watch you train and ensure that at all times you are training safely whilst ensuring you are heading toward your goals

Lose Weight
Many people who I train want to lose weight.  I will advise you on the best way to do this without the aid of weight loss products or a set diet. I will give advise on nutrition without it impacting too much on your meals.

Call me on Banbury 265333 or 07888829534 if you are interested. Or just pop in for a chat at the Spit n Sawdust cafe/bar