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Friday 12 August 2011


On Friday 19 August AT 9.30am I will open my gym up to ladies for free coffee/tea and cake/biscuits.

The reason for my generosity is because I want to start Ladies fitness classes and maybe coffee mornings at Spit n Sawdust. I figure that the best way to find out what women want is to ask them rather than guess. I currently run a largely female beginners Boxercise class Monday and Wednesday evenings and It is proving to be a great success and is growing as the weeks go by. But my mornings are free and it seems daft not to fill them with similar classes.

If you can spare some time this Friday and can offer some advice on what you feel would work best for you or your friends. Because this will be a brand new class I expect the fitness level will not be too high so it will be perfect for beginners or people wanting to get back into exercise. Please let me know via Facebook if you can join me for a cuppa.

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