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Tuesday 3 December 2013

Another taster from the book

Most successful people like to think they are self-made and are proud to say “I did this on my own”. I don’t believe anyone makes it alone.   I consider myself as reasonably successful; not financially but personally. The blurb on the cover of this book shows I have achieved possibly more than was expected from me.  I could even be seen as an over-achiever.  But I didn't achieve anything on my own and am happy to thank everyone who has helped me and those who are still assisting me to achieve what I have accomplished and go on to accomplish.  This book includes stories from various people I have met and will show how their opinions of success have changed over the years. What I am hoping to achieve like in the best-selling book ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho, is that success and happiness is far closer and easier to find than you can possibly realise.  Much of what I have written is from my own life experiences and reflects what I have learnt, and a lot of what I have written is taken from the experiences of others.  The book is largely story based, and will show a variation of stories from many people I knew before embarking on writing this book, people I have met since, and also people I have researched.  Sadly some of the people within these pages are no longer with us, and even more sadly, these represent the people I most wanted the book to help.