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Tuesday 2 October 2012

Live your dream don't just think about living it

Looking forward to the seminar
So much has happened since my last blog that I feel I am getting near to writing an interesting life story. I read a book called 'Awaken The Giant Within' and I am also listening to Anthony Robbins audio compilation through my computer.  Having read and listened to his tapes for the last couple of years I have now decided to write a journal and actually follow some of his exercises.

One such exercise is a goal setting exercise where I was asked to write down as many personal development goals as I could in 6 minutes and to do this as fast as I could.  I was also asked to imagine I was a child on Santa's knee and let my imagination run wild. I was also instructed to write down as many 'thing' goals as I could in 2 minutes and to have no limitations. I could ask to own anything from a house in the country with a pool, or even 2 pools, or an island in the pacific. The final goals I was instructed to write down were my economic goals. Anything to do with how much money I would like to earn whether it was personally or for my family. would I like to invest money etc.. Judging by what Mr Robbins now owns I imagine these were exercises he had practiced in his early years.

So I started writing down what I wanted to achieve and managed to write down 18 personal development goals. My personal development goals included:
Learning more about becoming a personal development speaker.  Although I currently do inspirational talks for schools, colleges and community groups, I am not doing them as regular as I would like to.
Visiting regular schools, special needs schools, colleges nursing homes Etc... and to carry out a minimum of 3 talks a week so I could inspire more people to be more successful and fulfill their potential
To meet or have a conversation with Anthony Robbins as he has become a bit of a Guru to me but as he lives in America I was unlikely to see him for a while.

Beside all my goals I had to say in what time period I wanted these goals to be achieved by and then to pick 3 one year goals and write down why they absolutely had to happen.  The next thing I was instructed to do was to make a positive action to get started on at least one goal. But before I got around to that, the phone rang and I was asked if I could stand in for a speaker who had cancelled with only ten hours notice. I asked what the subject matter was and I was sent a list that included; 
Me my torch and my Olympic tracksuit
  • Perseverance of adversity 
  • not letting difficulties hold you back 
  • being a positive influence on others through the way you live your life.
Now if you have read any of my other blog stories you will know this is right up my street.  So seven hours later I turned up, as instructed, with my Olympic torch wearing the Olympic tracksuit.  I was to speak to youths from a private school who had achieved a significantly high grades in their GCSE and A Level exam results.  Judging by the response I got from the crowd and the kind words from the organisers the talk went well. So well that the person who hired me twice the money that I had asked for. What I didn't know until the following day is that I had been standing in for 'Titanic' star Kate Winslet who has two children at the school.
Kate Winslet
This to me was a step in the right direction and although I didn't get a recording of the event it will remain fresh in my memory.

A day later I was told that Tony Robbins was to doing a talk with Seb Coe and Donald trump amongst others, at the Excel Arena; £12 for a 3 day seminar.  So I then attended the seminar and got to see him live at the O2 Arena London only days later.

Now I have never signed up to the belief about cosmic forces, but the events of the last week are starting to give me an open-ish mind to it.  I forgot to mention that the evening of the talk at the private school was my second talk of that particular day, as I took my torch to a care home in the afternoon where I was 'educated' by a lovely 94 year old man who once part owned LLoyds of England. My torch has been a passport to meet some wonderful people

My advice to anyone reading this would be to follow your dreams and don't lose focus on what you really want out of life.  Focus on what makes you happy.  If it's money you want, saying I want to be a millionaire will never make you a millionaire.  Focus on the reasons you want to be a millionaire and then work towards that goal. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich, and if your beliefs are strong, having money won't change you, it will just magnify the person you are. If you are someone who just wants a simple life with no desire to climb the ladders of success and riches, and you are someone who just want a happy family and close friends you can rely on, then focus on those you love.  There is no secret formula to happiness but we will tend get what we focus on most.  So for goodness sake, don't focus on the stuff you don't want to have, focus on what makes you happiest